That’s awesome !
This contraceptive method is really awesome! I was lucky enough to be one of the first men to use it; it's soft and gentle, it feels very natural and so easy to get used to. When wearing the UM underwear brief boxers which are quite casual except for the thin inserted thermal SpermaStop pad, which you quickly forget about - in less than 2 minutes!, you just act as usual. At the beginning of the test period I had to observe a predefined schedule and wear it for exactly 2 hours a day; now that I have passed the first observation period and reached the natural contraception state I'm wearing it a bit longer at my convenience, because there is no more time constraint and I often forget I have it on. Something strange is that reaching natural contraception state seems like my internal energy has changed; it grew, as if having stopped the spermatogenesis process would free inner energy and pass it to other physiological or metabolism tasks inside my body (like computers when you kill a process and free CPU time and resources!). I feel so much more energy now and, I can tell, never encountered any libido problem. Thereby things in life are much more settled, my vision, my feeling about things and persons like, you know, more spiritual energy or something like that flooding inside me...